Rome 24th -25th -26th February 2021
2:30 p.m. Registration of participants attending in person and of all the other participants attending remotely
2:50 p.m. Opening of proceedings and technical information –Mario Ongaro and Cristiano Hoffmann
3:00 p.m. Introduction –Agostino Megale, National Coordinator of CGIL – Foundations and Research Institutes
3:30 p.m. The European Project towards its conclusion: agenda and objectives of the meeting • Mario Ongaro, European Project Manager
3:45 p.m. Update on the Project: research and data analysis • Piero Valentini, Sociologist – La Sapienza University of Rome
4:15 p.m.** In representation of the EWCs participating in the Project, Steering Committee members reply to the following 3 questions:
**break planned from 4:45 p.m. to 5 p.m.
1) In your opinion, are information and, above all, CONSULTATION practices adequate in your EWC?
2) In your opinion, is a renegotiation of the agreement that regulates the functioning of your EWC possible? How could it improve the quality of information and, above all, the quality of consultation?
3) Do you believe that in your EWC 4.0 workers (i.e. the ones we are focusing on in our European Project) are adequately represented? In your EWC, has there been information and consultation about the issues that most directly concern them, such as digital innovation, the flexible organization of work and working hours?
Silvia Romano – EWC of Bnp-Paribas
Franco Cappellini – EWC of Crédit Agricole
Guido Van Den Eeckhoudt – EWC of KBC /
Ana Herranz and Marcello Carcereri – EWC of Santander
6:00 p.m. Industrial relations and the transnational dimension of the Intesa Sanpaolo group
Elena Cherubini – (member of the Secretariat of the Coordination Unit Fisac-Cgil Intesa Sanpaolo)
6:20 p.m. End of session
9:45 a.m. The changing work: report on the results of the survey on a sample of workers concerning salaries, training and responsibilities
Piero Valentini, Sociologist – La Sapienza University of Rome
10:20 a.m. The changing work: collective bargaining in the Intesa Sanpaolo group
Mariarosaria Mazzotta – National Executive Cttee Fisac-Cgil Intesa Sanpaolo
10:45 a.m. The stories of the workers most affected by change
11:45 a.m.*France, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Malta: the points of view of the trade unions from these countries on the situation and prospects of their banking sectors
Mireille Herriberry – Fec F.O. / Claudio Cornelli – Fisac-Cgil Intl.Dept. /Tomaç Boltin – SBS / Sandor Toth – BBDSZ / Slobodan Mihailovic – Sfos / Adrian Soare – Fsab Cartel Alfa / Svetomir Dichev – Ftufs / Hasan Shkalla – Fstbsh / Meral Gunenc – Basisen / William Portelli – Mube
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. lunch break
2:30 p.m. Update on the EWC of Crédit Agricole – Dominique Mendes – EWC Secretariat
3:00 p.m. Preparation of the final round table: (Megale – Ongaro)
3:30 p.m. Discussion with the employers’ representatives on the topics of the round table
5:00 p.m. End of session
Brando Benifei, Head of the Italian Democratic Party delegation at the European Parliament
Susanna Camusso, Head of International Policies for CGIL
Angelo Di Cristo, Head of UNI Finance
Giancarlo Ferrara, Italian Banking Association (ABI)
Emanuele Recchia, Head of Labour Policies, Industrial Relations and Welfare
for the Unicredit Group
Jens Thau, President of the Banking Committee for European Social Affairs
of the European Banking Federation
Coordinator: Mario Ongaro, European Project Manager
Conclusions of the round table and of the Final Conference:
Nino Baseotto
Fisac-Cgil General Secretary