Belgrade - Report 2: again on the fitness check
We have been able to take advantage of Prof.Dorssemont lessons, but also to build up our own analysis, in order to draw our own proposals to contribute to the Fitness Check of the Directives concerning the Employee involvement.
The crucial issue about the FITNESS CHECK is however what the EU Commission really meant with it:
Was the Fitness Check a way to check whether or not the Employee Involvement is actually working through the concerned Directives, up to what extent it is working, what the points in these Directives should be reviewed and possibly amended?
Or was it a way just to simplify/deregulate a number of prescriptions provided for by those Directives? Or both ways, depending on the individual Directive and/or on the political balances within the Commission and the EU Parliament?
When we introduced this Project almost 3 years ago, our answer to the first question here above was YES and we had no more questions. The other two questions, nevertheless, have been the outcome of our analysis about what has actually and concretely been done in terms of the Fitness Check. This Project was anyway meant to contribute to the Fitness Check and this contribution will be explained later, when we get to the outcomes of the Project Events that took place in Rome.